All these sexy comebacks

A little review on this month's girl group comebacks. The sexy ones, that is. Enjoy.

Girl's Day - Something
It's not really a secret to anyone who knows me that I'm a fan of these ladies. From Twinkle Twinkle to Hug Me Once to (my personal fave) Don't Forget Me to Expectation to Female President - I've hyped them all. I pretty much like all of their title songs except their (extremely) terrible debut song Tilt My Head and Nothing Lasts Forever. Oh My God was okay. Anyhow, Girl's Day has been through a lot these years. Members leaving, members added, member leaved and - just like any rookie girl group - a ton of unnecessary hate. Despite the popularity of Twinkle Twinkle, Girl's Day didn't seem to get the recognition they deserved. For years, they were a so called "nugu" group. That was, until, they came back with Expectation and Female President. God, 2013 was such a good Girl's Day year.

When they announced their comeback for 2014, I was SO excited. But after listening to the song a couple of times, I came to the conclusion I shouldn't have had such high expectations. Something is a good song, but not great. Kind of bland. Their previous songs were better. Although I love that Minah's voice got to shine through in this song (Minah fan here), I miss the days when the other great vocalist of the group - Queen Sojin - got to shine as well. The concept was okay. Anyone who says they're copying Sistar or Park Ji Yoon are probably right. Oh well. Better comeback next time.

Rainbow Blaxx - Cha Cha
I'm all in for sexy concepts but for once I'm speechless. What is this? They look so... awkward. Instead of going back to their good sexy days (A, To Me, etc), they (or well, their company) decided to go in another direction: skin exposure, boob-pressing and some semi-girl on girl action. All power to these girls really, but I can't be the only one to think this whole MV would have been A LOT better if everything didn't look so unnatural. "You have to learn how to crawl before you learn to walk". DSP, don't make the girls do stuff they're not totally ready for yet.

Luckily for them though, I didn't find Cha Cha as bland as Something. I don't like it, but the chorus is great. I haven't seen many of their performances yet, but from I've seen, they look more comfortable on the stage than in this MV. The MV was just horrendous.

AOA - Miniskirt
I wasn't even going to bother writing about this one because there's something about AOA that I just find so unbelievably boring. Hell, I wasn't even going to bother checking up on them if people weren't complaning about their miniskirt dance. However, I figured it'd be rude to leave them out (not that my previous statement wasn't, heh). The song was boring and the dance as well. I don't get what people are fussing about. It's not even provocative. And for crying out loud, who names a song Miniskirt?

Dalshabet - B.B.B (Big Baby Baby)
After all the below-mediocre comebacks and bad changes in January (Nicole and Jiyoung leaving KARA, Nine Muses becoming seven after finally establishing the perfect line-up, etc), I was on the verge of giving up on K-Pop. 2014 looked shitty. But then I found a silver lining: Dalshabet's B.B.B (Big Baby Baby). Just like AOA's Miniskirt, I wasn't going to bother checking it out. And just like AOA's Miniskirt, it has a weird song title. Unlike AOA and the other comebacks however, this was a good comeback. Great even.

I don't know what it is. Maybe it's because I've always had a thing for the 80s, but this comeback was gold. Everything from the song to the choreography to the concept. I was stunned from the beginning to the end when I looked it up for the first time ever yesterday after having the world's longest sigh (caused by almost giving up on K-Pop). It was everything I expected it not to be. Sorry for sounding so shocked, but I was literally expecting another crappy sexy comeback. This one was interesting. This one was different. Never mind the music video, watch the performance instead. People keep saying it looks like they've ripped off Nine Muses and KARA, but their performances proves otherwise. The one I linked was the first ever look I got of B.B.B. You're welcome.

I don't know if there are any more sexy girl group comebacks and to be frank I don't really care. Four in one month is enough and considering that three out of them were disappointing, I'm kind of fed up. Don't get me wrong. This kind of concept is much appreciated. But too much of anything is too much. Especially if the songs are boring. However, to the people who bash just because it's sexy, the girls' companies would like to thank you for increasing their views on YouTube and for spreading their names. Ironic, isn't it? When the girls don't do sexy, no one pays attention. When they do sexy, people can't seem to shut up. Way of nature.


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